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Educating Girls on Menstrual Health & Hygiene

H.E.R Foundation remains dedicated to empowering young women in Sri Lanka through comprehensive menstrual health and hygiene workshops. This ongoing initiative focuses on educating girls in schools across the country.

Equipping Students with Knowledge and Confidence

These workshops provide girls with detailed information on a range of topics, including:

  • The female reproductive system
  • The menstrual cycle
  • Proper menstrual hygiene practices
  • Dispelling myths and misconceptions
  • Sanitary napkin use and selection
  • Safe disposal methods

Spreading Awareness Across Sri Lanka

H.E.R Foundation has reached a significant number of students through targeted workshops in three provinces:

  • Western Province: 20 schools
  • North Western Province: 19 schools
  • Eastern Province: 25 schools

By bringing these workshops directly to schools, H.E.R Foundation is creating a safe space for girls to learn, ask questions, and gain the confidence they need to manage their periods with dignity and understanding. This investment in education is a crucial step towards building a healthier future for young women in Sri Lanka.